How to order

Step 1

Add the product(s) to your Shopping Cart.
  1. Select the shade if necessary. 
  2. Click “Add to Cart”.

Step 2

Check out when the product selection is completed.
  1. Click on the Shopping Cart button to review the product(s) selected and make some modifications if necessary.
  2. Read the Terms & Conditions
  3. If you agree on them, click on the box next to "I AGREE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS"
  4. Click on “Checkout” if you are ready to place the order.

Step 3

Log in to your Vivo Cosmetics account.
  1. Register using your email or phone number.
  2. Otherwise, if you have an account press "Log In".

Step 4

Fill the information.
  1. Fill in the shipping address details.
  2. When you are done click on "Continue to shipping".

Step 5

Choose the shipping method.
  1. Select the shipping method.
  2. Click on "Continue to payment".

Step 6

Choose the payment method.
  1. Select the payment method:
  1. Click on "Review order".

Step 7

Review your order.

  1. Make sure that you have chosen the right products.
  2. Finally, click on "Complete order" to place your order.
Notes: Online payments are processed in USD.